my first rant
Why aren’t more people outraged?
We have a President who is lies, deceives and ignores the American people. He sidesteps the democratic process as often as he can get away with it.
I don’t care what people say about Fahrenheit 9/11 and how it was a fraud. I watched it and applauded Michael Moore for seeking the truth. Now, are people saying that the Downing Street Memo is full of lies as well? Is it easier to attack a filmmaker than a prime minister? Want to find out more, check out this blog or even the original website in the UK. The last line of the main webpage states: The American people deserve a full accounting of how we got where we are in Iraq. With every person—soldier or civilian—who is killed or injured as a result of the ongoing violence it becomes more, not less, imperative that we have answers.
The problem is that the American people don’t seem to care very much. Or at least, not enough uproar exists. I think even the media downplay his behavior.
The (not our) president (I refuse to capitalize) fabricated facts to convince everyone he could that we should go to war to eradicate TERRORISM.
I have not forgotten September 11th. It is very close to home for me. That’s why I get irate every time Bush brings up September 11th as the reason for invading Iraq.
September 11th was not a valid reason for raiding Iraq. Iraq had nothing to do with September 11th.
Weapons of Mass Destruction had nothing to do with our invasion of Iraq because none existed, and we knew that.
Then he gets John Bolton in as ambassador to the United Nations by pushing him through when the Senate was on recess. Yes, it is his prerogative to do such a thing, but aren’t we a little concerned that the president will use that tactic because he knows that the Democrats would not have let it happen?!?
Every single thing he does gets me more and more fired up.
Now, this Intelligent Design thing is going to send me over the edge.
Bush makes a comment in a speech about how intelligent design should be given equal treatment in schools, same as evolution, to have “objectivity in origins science” as the intelligent designs website states. Which can be found here for anyone thinks I am being too subjective.
Oh, and I have a new favorite website. It’s called Sweet Jesus, I Hate Bill O’Reilly. Got a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?
We have a President who is lies, deceives and ignores the American people. He sidesteps the democratic process as often as he can get away with it.
I don’t care what people say about Fahrenheit 9/11 and how it was a fraud. I watched it and applauded Michael Moore for seeking the truth. Now, are people saying that the Downing Street Memo is full of lies as well? Is it easier to attack a filmmaker than a prime minister? Want to find out more, check out this blog or even the original website in the UK. The last line of the main webpage states: The American people deserve a full accounting of how we got where we are in Iraq. With every person—soldier or civilian—who is killed or injured as a result of the ongoing violence it becomes more, not less, imperative that we have answers.
The problem is that the American people don’t seem to care very much. Or at least, not enough uproar exists. I think even the media downplay his behavior.
The (not our) president (I refuse to capitalize) fabricated facts to convince everyone he could that we should go to war to eradicate TERRORISM.
I have not forgotten September 11th. It is very close to home for me. That’s why I get irate every time Bush brings up September 11th as the reason for invading Iraq.
September 11th was not a valid reason for raiding Iraq. Iraq had nothing to do with September 11th.
Weapons of Mass Destruction had nothing to do with our invasion of Iraq because none existed, and we knew that.
Then he gets John Bolton in as ambassador to the United Nations by pushing him through when the Senate was on recess. Yes, it is his prerogative to do such a thing, but aren’t we a little concerned that the president will use that tactic because he knows that the Democrats would not have let it happen?!?
Every single thing he does gets me more and more fired up.
Now, this Intelligent Design thing is going to send me over the edge.
Bush makes a comment in a speech about how intelligent design should be given equal treatment in schools, same as evolution, to have “objectivity in origins science” as the intelligent designs website states. Which can be found here for anyone thinks I am being too subjective.
Oh, and I have a new favorite website. It’s called Sweet Jesus, I Hate Bill O’Reilly. Got a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?
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