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Thursday, March 09, 2006

deja vu all over again

Déjà vu anyone….????

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told the Senate Appropriations Committee today that the U.S. faces “no greater challenge from a single country” than from Iran. And that Iran is “determined…to develop a nuclear weapon…” and criticized Iran’s human rights record.

Close your eyes for a second. Take out Iran and replace it with Iraq. Replace “nuclear weapon” with “weapons of mass destruction.”

You see, we are being prepared for another war.

Next thing you know, we will be invading another country upon the discovery of a small supply of aluminum piping.

Did anyone get wind of that ‘second’ Downing Street Memo a few weeks ago in which it was uncovered that Bush tried to talk John Major into provoking Iraq into war. He suggested flying a US spy plane over Iraq with UN colors and if it was shot down by Iraqis, there’s a justification for going to war. Doesn’t it seem like we are currently poking Iran with a stick?

I also think this administration should resolve the government’s role and lack of action in the Hurricane Katrina debacle before it can point too many fingers at other countries for human rights deficiencies.


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