the magoo politic

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Location: New England, United States

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

pat robertson?

what the fuck?

This article is unbelievable!

Friday, September 16, 2005

just the right words

Did you ever feel like you were trying to say something, but couldn't really articulate it the right way.
My problem is that I am a lawyer, not a writer. Everything that boils in my little head never seems to come out of my big mouth correctly.
This Op-Ed piece in the Washington Post (which I am now a newsletter subscriber to) said everything I wanted to say. And is making that point I keep trying to convince people of…that Bush is a mess and we need to change our leadership perspective after the lessons that the last few years have taught us.
Here’s the article.

Friday, September 09, 2005


I have a lot going through my head regarding Hurricane Katrina and have read many opinion pieces and blogs throughout this ordeal.
I am absolutely confounded by the entire thing and while I fully admit that it is the hurricane, an act of nature, which caused the catastrophe, so, so, so much of this chaos is manmade.
Too many government officials knew of the threat of a levee breaking in New Orleans.
No one had any plans to get people out who could not drive off in their own cars during the evacuation since (a) they didn’t have a car (b) they live paycheck to paycheck and didn’t have the resources (c) they didn’t have the ability (let’s not think about the 30 bodies discovered in a nursing home yesterday).
All I can say is the blogs and editorials that asked how we can traipse into Tikrit in one day or launch soldiers into the ungodliest of places in an hour’s notice and take over 5 days to get into New Orleans???
I am so disgusted when I see Bush and Cheney visiting victims with their sleeves rolled up and furrowed brow looks on their faces.
Where the hell were they a week ago?
They should have been down there from Day 1 after the Hurricane, handing out food and diapers with volunteers and soldiers, taking charge, initiating help, etc.
Can’t we all hear the collective gasp as the entire world is seeing our incompetence?
And the rioting and looting??? How inexcusable and despicable, I admit.
I received an email a day or so ago stating that the rioting and looting is the fault of the liberals for creating a welfare state, allowing those at the bottom of the American food chain to be loose in our streets. Something like that.
If you don’t give people the ability to leave before a disaster like this, if you refuse to take control of the situation, refuse to administer aid, refuse to take care of your citizens, etc. things might get out of hand. Those rogue hurricane victims (who should not represent all of the hurricane victims) acted uncivilized, but was the situation created by other powers? Could the situation have been avoided entirely?
This country has failed to provide for its citizenry. It has failed miserably.
There are so many things that will come from this.
We cannot blame the Bush administration for an act of nature. But it is so apparent what is really going on in this country and the priorities of this administration.
The American people are not in the top 5 of that list of priorities.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

gay marriage in California - not so fast

Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed the California legislature’s gay marriage bill.
He is saying that it is against the will of the people to have gay marriage create by a legislature and is basing his veto on a 5-year old vote.
Lest we forget this is a democracy and a state legislature is created and established by the voters of the state.
I am not sure how things will progress in this nation.
If a legislature creates a law defining rights, one man, one sole individual can overturn it by saying it is not the will of the people.
If a court interprets law defining the same rights, that court is guilty of “judicial activism” and is against the will of the people.
Which way is it?
Is the only way to determine whether or not gay marriage should be recognized to poll each and every individual in this country?
If that was the case, would women have ever been given the right to vote? Would Blacks still be considered 2/3 of a citizen?
With every losing battle, I cringe at the state of this nation and how less and less of a democracy and great nation we appear.