the magoo politic

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Location: New England, United States

Friday, February 02, 2007

groundhog's day

First of all, for those of you who may know very little about Molly Ivins, please read this.

She was a truly amazing woman. I hope that people continue reading her work and that many torches will be picked up in her honor. And it doesn’t matter what your political beliefs are, everyone can learn something from this woman’s life!

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Secondly, I realize that today is Groundhog’s Day (my father’s birthday and apparently, Mrs. Fedigan’s favorite holiday), but I am not as ecstatic about Punxsutawney Phil not seeing his shadow this morning.

We’ll have an early Spring. Whoop de freakin’ doo.

We haven’t had a winter for crying out loud!

I woke up this morning ready to go out and clear off my car from the remnants of the Nor-Easter that they had warned us about earlier in the week. I peeked outside, wiped my eyes in disbelief, then peeked outside again.

Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

I live in Connecticut. I am a downhill skier. I like snow.

Okay, so I like snow a little more when (a) I am skiing in it or (b) when I am watching it fall from my living room window on a Sunday morning when I have no where to go, but don’t like it as much when I am trying to get my little self home from work safe and sound in my little Hyundai (which is pretty much like driving a giant sled with airbags.)

I do enjoy driving in the snow sometimes, because I think I am very good at it. We will usually be one of 10 people at the mall during a snow storm because we get cabin fever and like being adventurous.

However, I digress.

This winter has downright sucked. We are in New England, I live her because I like the 4 seasons.

We have had 2 or 3 dustings this winter. A dusting consists of a light white look to the grass and no need to wipe off your car. (10 minutes of defrost is plenty).

I know my local friends will be mad at me for wanting snow. I’m sure that anyone who lives in Denver is thinking, “Screw you!” And I know that fate will probably come back and bite me in the ass – such as Lois going into labor during a 2 foot pummeling of snow, but BRING IT ON!

Since I can’t go skiing this year, I still need my snow fix.

So, I do hope a little that Punxsutawney Phil is wrong. I think Punxsutawney Phil’s forecasting has only a 39% success rate. Then again, why we base our beliefs of future weather conditions on a groundhog, I have no idea.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

back online

I am actually very intrigued by all of these potential democract contenders for the White House in 2008.

I know it may be very optimistic of me, but I really think an Obama/Clinton ticket would be a great mixture of idealogical outlook (Obama) and experience (Clinton).

Could it be possible that Joe Biden's dreams of the Oval Office ended as quickly as they were announced yesterday?